Explore a small environmental demo of Kentucky Route Zero.

Reworking & an environmental demo

We've been reworking a lot this month: redesigning our pathfinding and movement code, redesigning levels and the overall flow of the game, and rebuilding our own workflow from 3d modeling and lighting into the game engine. It's important work, and we're getting good results, but it also means we're starting to discard a fair amount of code and content that doesn't fit in anymore or has been superseded.

This section, The Hall of the Mountain King, is still our focus as we try to build a very polished playable demo that encapsulates all the different technical facets of the game. That image up there is Tamas' sketch of the *new* layout for this area. But we thought we'd share with you an explorable version of the *old* layout, which had most of the same visual elements, but didn't quite have the pacing and sense of scale we wanted.

In this environmental demo, you can explore a bit by moving the camera around with the arrow keys. Please note that the demo is about 20 mb, so be a bit patient as it downloads.

Try the environmental demo here!

(Like last month's dialog demo, this environment demo requires the Unity browser plugin, which you can download here .)

See you in June!